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A letter from a Schneider Driver

Sleep Apnea Survey | A letter from a Schneider driver

My name is Chris Leslie, I am a system TE out of Dallas. I have been driving for SNI for 2 years, of which half I spent team driving. As a fellow driver I know all of the rumors we hear in truck stops. If one third of what you heard at a truck stop restaurant was true, we'd all be making $3.00 per mile, and the "government" would be tracking our phone conversations through a secret device hid in the Qualcomm unit while we talked with our famous movie star friends. Some stories are more believable than others, and it is often easier to take the information from the source than to find out for yourself.
I was very skeptical about sleep apnea. I had been told by fellow drivers that I would be off of work for weeks, possibly months, and that I would have to pay for tests and equipment. Therefore, when I became aware that I may have a sleep disorder, I was worried. Not so much about the problem itself, but more that I could miss several weeks of pay and be required to purchase expensive equipment. I thought that the financial impact of going through the sleep study would leave me with no money, and past due bills. Because I have a family to support, I was very careful to not answer any health screening questions at spring or winter training with answers that might indicate that I had a problem. However, after talking to fellow drivers Danny Daugherty, Kevin Neal, and RPLM Nick Economu in Dallas, I decided to pursue the process of getting screened. I was still worried that I may be out of work, but the exhaustion and other symptoms had begun to impact the quality of my driving.
After a quick phone call to occupational health in Green Bay, and a phone call with the facility in Houston, I was all setup with an appointment. I assumed I would be taking time off work and using my personal vehicle to drive from home to my appointment. However Schneider loaded me through Houston where I went to the Best Western on my 10 hour break for the sleep study. After 8 hours, I had my results: I had OSA (obstructive sleep apnea). The technicians issued my C-PAP (Continuous Positive Air Pressure) machine. I was driving and making money that morning. I lost no time off work.
Since using the C-PAP machine beginning in May, I have experienced many benefits that I never expected. Indigestion (heart burn) has been completely eliminated. Before being diagnosed with OSA, I had gone to the doctor and had upper GI exams and been given medication for Acid Reflux disease. I no longer have to take that medication. I have always suffered from hay fever/allergies. Now my sinuses are clear when I wake up and I almost never go into a sneezing fit. My appetite has also decreased. However the very best benefit is that I now have enough energy to drive a truck safely. I do not get sleepy while driving. I wake up refreshed in the morning, and I do not have to stop during the day to take naps. I am a happier person, and my miles have gone up.
Whenever I am out on the road other drivers will ask me: What did it cost, or what does SNI really charge on your insurance? I can truthfully say, nothing. Finding out if you have sleep apnea does not cost you anything. Schneider does not charge you or take any funds from you health care spending account. The cost of the sleep study, the machine, and the time it takes to have it all done is at no cost to you. I didn't even miss a day of work. This is a several thousand dollar benefit that SNI offers. If you have been finding yourself getting drowsy during driving or not feeling rested after a complete night's sleep I would encourage you to start driving and living with energy and enthusiasm.