Pay and Benefits


Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea Survey | A letter from a Schneider driver

What I need to know if I’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea
By Occupational Health, 800-558-6767, Ext. 8709
Once a driver completes a sleep study and tests positive for sleep apnea, he/she will be issued a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine that same day. In some cases, a physician will refer the driver to a Durable Medical Equipment Provider (DMEP) to get a CPAP. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recommends any commercial driver with sleep apnea be treated and comply with the treatment plan. CPAP is the most standard treatment.
Installation of inverter
Drivers will need to have an inverter installed in the tractor which will protect the CPAP and the tractor from unnecessary electrical problems. The preferred inverter is the 200 watt Tru Sign inverter which is stocked at most Schneider shop locations. The cost of this unit is $180. Drivers can arrange to have six weekly installments at $30 each deducted from their payroll. The inverter is the drivers to keep. The payroll deduction authorization form is available at the shop and it can be completed at the time of the installation. If for some reason drivers are not able to complete the form during the installation, pay services will mail a form at the driver’s address in a few days.
Drivers and their managers will review the Schneider sleep apnea policy to ensure compliance of CPAP machine. This should be done within 10 days after the sleep study is completed. Complying with Schneider’s CPAP usage policy is the responsibility of the driver and their manager. If for some reason the compliance policy is not reviewed with in the first 10 days after completing the sleep study, the driver and the driver manager should make every effort to review and sign the compliance policy as soon as possible.
Idle percent criteria for drivers required to use CPAP machines
Pay Services will apply idle percents by work configuration for each driver on the sleep apnea list. This list is based off of the approval process to have the inverter hard-wired to your tractor. Drivers who do not meet the listed idle percent for their work configuration will not be eligible for their quarterly bonus.
Work configuration Idle percent (for all quarters)
Over-the-road 40 percent
Regional 30 percent
Teams 15 percent
Local 7 percent
Bulk 50 percent*

* The process for loading/unloading bulk products requires the truck to idle in order for the pump to work. Last May, the idle percent for Bulk sleep apnea drivers was adjusted to 50 percent.
There will be no backing out of idle (excluded idle) for sleep apnea drivers. Technically, a driver does not need to idle the tractor at all if the sleep apnea machine does not have a humidifier. Based on the difficulty of determining who has what type of units, the above idle percentages were chosen to meet all needs.
Schneider wants to keep you safe and healthy
Drivers should contact their medical provider, Occupational Health or their driver manager if they encounter problems using the CPAP machine. A driver advisor group who are also CPAP users is available to offer firsthand experience for any issues or concerns a new CPAP user may have. Please contact your driver manager to obtain a name of an advisor within your geographical area.
Requirements to stay in compliance
In order to stay compliant with Department of Transportation (DOT) recommendations and Schneider policy, you must use your CPAP machine a minimum of four hours per/day.
Possible mask issues
Give it some time to adjust to sleeping with the mask. Masks can be uncomfortable at times, particularly if it is the wrong size for you. If your face becomes irritated, your physician’s office or durable medical equipment (DME) provider should be able to assist with a different style mask.
There are some masks designed for sleeping on your side. Many people end up training themselves to sleep on their backs.
If you are having a hard time adjusting to sleeping with the machine, you may need to start off with one to two hours for the first few nights and adjust the time to longer increments. Remember, a minimum of four hours a day is needed for compliance with Schneider policy and Department of Transportation recommendations.
