Driving Tools


Fair and Equitable Treatment

Are you concerned about how your leader’s decisions may affect you? Do you feel that your concerns need to be taken a step further than your leader? Do you know where to go for final resolution of your concerns? Follow the simple steps below. Our process will help you fairly and promptly address and resolve your concerns.

Step 1: Talk with your leader.

When an incident occurs, speak with your leader within 30 days and provide a written statement outlining why you disagree with a decision and what is your desired outcome. Fair and Equitable Treatment forms may be found on CrossRoads, the Associate Resource guide, or through your leader.

Step 2: Submit a written statement.

If you disagree with the resolution and would like your situation reviewed further, notify your leader within 14 days. You may submit additional pertinent information in writing based on the outcome of Step 1, outlining the reasons why you do not agree with your leader’s decision. Your leader will then forward your write up and his/her response to their leader for review.

Step 3: Submit the written statement to the review team.

If you are still unsatisfied with the resolution, tell your leader or leader’s leader within 14 days that you would like your statement submitted to the Fair and Equitable Review Team for consideration. The team, comprised of three peers and two managers from another department, will review your version and your leaders’ version of the situation and make a final and binding decision. The review team can decide to reverse or accept the decision, or they may offer a compromise. Complete confidentiality will be maintained. You will receive written notification of the team’s findings and conclusion.