Driving Tools


Border Crossing

New Canadian HOS Rules Effective January 1, 2007
There are new Hours of Service Regulations going into effect for Canada on January 1, 2007. The new Canadian HOS rules have different requirements then the US HOS rules, just as they do today. However, Schneider has decided to have all SNI drivers operate under the US HOS rules because they are more stringent and will enable compliance to both countries’ HOS rules while crossing the border.
There are some new items that ALL drivers will need to be aware of and adhere to once assigned a Canadian load and when operating in Canada. These items are listed below.
Also, to comply with the new rules, SNI had to update the driver logbooks for SNC, SNBC, and Canada. These logbooks will be available at the Operating Centers in December.
Here are the new Items you will see on the Log Books:
CN requirement to declare a cycle while operating in Canada: the declared cycle will be 70 hours in 7 days. All drivers will still operate under 70 hours in 8 days (the more stringent US rules) to be able to cross the border and be compliant in both countries. Drivers should be use the following HOS rules:
11 Hour Rule: current (11 hours maximum driving following 10 consecutive hours off-duty)
14 Hour Rule: current (No driving after 14 consecutive hours following 10 consecutive hours off-duty)
70 Hour Rule: current (No driving after working (lines 3 and 4) 70 hours in any 8 consecutive days)
SNI Policy: Drivers cannot work more than 70 hours in any 8 consecutive days.
24 Hours off in the preceding 14 days:
As a Canadian driver: Your logs must show having a cycle of 24 hours off-duty in a 14 day period. A 36 hour re-start will cover the 24 hours off.
As a US driver: Delivering into Canada, your logs must show having a cycle of 24 consecutive hours off-duty, in the preceding 14 day period. A 34 hour re-start will cover the 24 hours off, but would not be recognized as a re-start in Canada!
GSS has been updated to dispatch a driver based on these rules.
36 Hour Re-Start:
As a Canadian driver: You can re-start their cycle with a full 70 hours available after 36 consecutive hours off-duty, sleeper berth or a combination of both.
As a U.S. driver: Delivering into Canada, they will need to check their logs carefully for Canadian compliance. A 34 hr break is NOT recognized as a re-start in Canada.
Logs: As a Canadian driver, or a US driver delivering into Canada drivers must have in their possession today’s original log plus a clear copy of the last 14 days. Drivers should not change the fact that they are handing in their original logs through Trip Pak throughout the week. Their carbon copy should be retained and held for 14 days to comply with Canadian rules.
If there are any questions or concerns regarding the new Canadian Hours of Service rules, please contact the Regulatory Department: Tammy Carpenter at Ext. 3809, email:carpentert@schneider.com or Marsha Vande Hei at Ext. 6088, email vandeheim@schneider.com.

